The dynamic compaction method can be applied to unsaturated soils or granular soils below the groundwater table. The fundamental principle is to compact compressible soils with low bearing capacity by transmitting high-energy impacts. This method induces sudden settlement on the ground surface by dropping a heavy weight in unsaturated soil conditions.
During dynamic compaction, trial compaction is conducted on-site according to project specifications, which depend on structural loads and soil parameters. Based on evaluations of swelling and penetration in the craters formed, decisions are made regarding the type of tamper, its weight, the number of drops, drop height, and grid spacing.
The craters formed at impact points during application can reach depths of up to 2 meters. These craters are refilled and leveled. After the high-energy compaction process is complete, a low-energy ironing process is applied to compact the refilled material in the craters and the upper soil layer, completing the operation.